Macaroni Penguins

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Index of PenguinWorld's Feature Articles

Features are articles about penguins that have been written by Lloyd Spencer Davis and published initially elsewhere. They include articles from Natural History, the magazine published by the American Museum of Natural History, as well as excerpts from his various books, including The Plight of the Penguin.

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Life in the "Fast" Lane: Adélie penguins and the coordination of nest relief

This is an article that first appeared in the magazine Natural History. It's about the importance of timing and the co-ordination of nest relief between pairs of Adelie penguins. Read more...

A Superlative Penguin

The least known, last studied, strangest penguin takes Lloyd Spencer Davis on a most uncomfortable journey. Travel to the remote Antipodes Islands to experience the wonderful Erect-crested penguin. Read more...

Hot Times For A Cool Bird

Perhaps surprizingly, the problem for most penguins when on land is not that they get cold but that they get too hot. The insulation provided by their feathers that equips them for a life in water is so efficient that it can create heat stress when out of the water. This article originally published in Natural History 91/1: 46-55. Read more...

And You’ll Do What for a Herring?

This is an article by Rob Nixon that was published in the online edition of Outside magazine. It reports on the surprizing findings from the research by Fiona Hunter and Lloyd Spencer Davis into the sexual behaviour of Adelie penguins: in particular, the penguin equivalent of prostitution. Read more…

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